

Kumarapriyam is belongs to East Godavari district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kumarapriyam
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Pedapudi
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kumarapriyam Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 G. Mamidada 587509 783 Hectares 14377 533344
2 Peddada 587510 600 Hectares 4112 533344
3 Pedapudi 587511 1535 Hectares 8162 533006
4 Domada 587512 597 Hectares 1558 533006
5 Atchutapuratrayam 587513 1586 Hectares 9260 533006
6 Karakuduru 587514 634 Hectares 5108 533006
7 Kaikavolu 587515 369 Hectares 1954 533006
8 Kumarapriyam 587516 278 Hectares 1642 533344
9 Puttakonda 587517 156 Hectares 1815 533344
10 Gandredu 587518 479 Hectares 3852 533344
11 Rajupalem 587519 221 Hectares 2094 533344
12 Pyna 587520 416 Hectares 1853 533344
13 Vendra 587521 563 Hectares 3115 533344
14 Chintapalle 587522 260 Hectares 1412 533344
15 Sampara 587523 1013 Hectares 4674 533344
16 Kandregula 587524 478 Hectares 2617 533462
17 Sahapuram 587525 653 Hectares 3854 533462

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