

Kunchepalle is belongs to Prakasam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kunchepalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Podili
District : Prakasam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kunchepalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Egalapadu 590957 849 Hectares 1315 523240
2 Kesavabhotla Palem 590958 820 Hectares 170 523240
3 Pamulapadu 590959 1266 Hectares 1250 523240
4 Kunchepalle 590960 977 Hectares 2275 523240
5 Dasalla Palle 590961 558 Hectares 294 523240
6 Ramulaveedu 590962 1254 Hectares 508 523240
7 Mallavaram 590963 828 Hectares 1306 523240
8 Zuvvaleru 590964 1013 Hectares 1115 523240
9 Sudanagunta 590965 1889 Hectares 1819 523240
10 Thummagunta 590966 774 Hectares 1193 523240
11 Kondaya Palem 590967 476 Hectares 736 523241
12 Salakanuthala 590968 552 Hectares -
13 Muga Chinthala 590969 927 Hectares 1372 523241
14 Dondleru 590970 537 Hectares 1192 523241
15 Obulakka Palle 590971 817 Hectares 966 523240
16 Kambhalapadu 590972 1675 Hectares 4210 523240
17 Jafala Puram 590973 805 Hectares 132 523240
18 Nandi Palem 590974 491 Hectares 1364 523240
19 Ramayana Kandrika 590975 312 Hectares 645 523240
20 Madalavari Palem 590976 437 Hectares 993 523240
21 Akka Cheruvu 590977 469 Hectares 1205 523240
22 Nimmavaram 590978 656 Hectares 803 523240
23 Teegadurthipadu 590979 625 Hectares 442 523240
24 Amudala Palle 590980 446 Hectares 572 523240
25 Anna Varam 590981 484 Hectares 792 523253
26 Chintagum Palle 590982 483 Hectares 859 523117
27 Lakshmi Puram 590983 503 Hectares -
28 Thalamalla 590984 1237 Hectares 2144 523240
29 Uppala Padu 590985 1001 Hectares 2991 523240
30 Yeluru 590986 1201 Hectares 2669 523240
31 T.Salluru 590987 534 Hectares 540 523240

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