
Kunkudu Pamula

Kunkudu Pamula is belongs to Nalgonda district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kunkudu Pamula
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Ramannapeta
District : Nalgonda
State : Telangana

Nearest Kunkudu Pamula Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Thummalaguda 576842 1644 Hectares 4596 508113
2 Yellanki 576843 2549 Hectares 5846 508113
3 Siripuram 576844 1489 Hectares 4379 508113
4 Bogaram 576845 826 Hectares 1683 508113
5 Nidhanapalle 576846 618 Hectares 858 508113
6 Shobanadripuram 576847 736 Hectares 1583 508113
7 Laxma Puram 576848 872 Hectares 1872 508113
8 Neernemula 576849 875 Hectares 1810 508113
9 Janam Palle 576850 690 Hectares 2230 508113
10 Dubbaka 576851 1211 Hectares 1839 508113
11 Muni Panpula 576852 1192 Hectares 2217 508113
12 Palliwada 576853 670 Hectares 1947 508113
13 Iskilla 576854 1304 Hectares 1584 508113
14 Uthatoor 576855 772 Hectares 1390 508113
15 Kakkireni 576856 1828 Hectares 2473 508113
16 Yennaram 576857 1091 Hectares 2017 508113
17 Bachuppala 576858 511 Hectares 427 508113
18 Suraram 576859 423 Hectares 1059 508113
19 B.Thurka Palle 576860 398 Hectares 739 508113
20 Kunkudu Pamula 576861 546 Hectares 783 508254

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