

Potlapadu is belongs to Prakasam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Potlapadu
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Kurichedu
District : Prakasam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Potlapadu Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Jagannadhapuram 590649 378 Hectares -
2 West Kasipuram 590650 783 Hectares 783 523304
3 Kallur 590651 1426 Hectares 2786 523304
4 West Naidupalem 590652 2575 Hectares 2515 523304
5 Avulamanda 590653 3208 Hectares 3497 523304
6 Mustla Gangavaram 590654 1401 Hectares 1135 523304
7 West Veeraya Palem 590655 1417 Hectares 4224 523304
8 Bayya Varam 590656 866 Hectares 783 523304
9 Dekanakonda 590657 1620 Hectares 2536 523304
10 Peddavaram 590658 1519 Hectares 1158 523304
11 Namassivaya Puram 590659 1452 Hectares 2110 523304
12 Mallaya Palem 590660 1010 Hectares -
13 Kurichedu 590661 2628 Hectares 9027 523304
14 Perambotla Palem 590662 271 Hectares 548 523304
15 Potlapadu 590663 2712 Hectares 2616 523304
16 Gangadona Konda 590664 1902 Hectares 1871 523304
17 West Gangavaram 590665 2032 Hectares 2101 523304
18 Alavalapadu 590666 1103 Hectares 1120 523304
19 Bodanampadu 590667 1137 Hectares 1991 523304

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