

Kyapa is belongs to Kurnool district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kyapa
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Banaganapalle
District : Kurnool
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kyapa Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Katikavanikunta 594356 2063 Hectares 705 518124
2 Yerragudi 594357 572 Hectares 1396 518124
3 Hussainapuram 594358 468 Hectares 1156 518124
4 Salamabad 594359 266 Hectares -
5 Cherupalle 594360 887 Hectares 2355 518126
6 Palukur 594361 3289 Hectares 11674 518176
7 Namatheertham 594362 1201 Hectares 2216 518176
8 Beeravolu 594363 778 Hectares 1716 518176
9 Nandivargam 594364 1019 Hectares 2892 518176
10 Jillella 594365 600 Hectares 1171 518176
11 Thimmapuram 594366 571 Hectares 947 518176
12 Nandavaram 594367 2824 Hectares 5283 518124
13 Venkatapuram 594368 1242 Hectares 1496 518124
14 Enakandla 594369 1176 Hectares 3928
15 Meerapuram 594370 743 Hectares 2189 518124
16 Gulamaliabad 594371 873 Hectares 1311 518120
17 Pasupula 594372 1530 Hectares 3524 518220
18 Krishnagiri 594373 626 Hectares 535 518124
19 Cherlokothuru 594374 218 Hectares 647 518124
20 Jwalapuram 594375 185 Hectares 978 518124
21 Pathapadu 594376 1064 Hectares 2109 518124
22 Yagantipalle 594377 693 Hectares 2052 518124
23 Bathulurupadu 594378 229 Hectares 626 518124
24 Pandlapuram 594379 777 Hectares 423 518124
25 Sankalapuram 594380 656 Hectares 304 518124
26 Vittalapuram 594381 745 Hectares 301 518124
27 Tangutoor 594382 2055 Hectares 3579 518124
28 Appalapuram 594383 1216 Hectares 1406 518124
29 Kyapa 594384 1485 Hectares 1829 518124
30 Kapulapalle 594385 785 Hectares 566 518186
31 Mittapalle 594386 537 Hectares 618 518124
32 Rallakothuru 594387 1199 Hectares 720 518124
33 Thammadapalle 594388 814 Hectares 825 518124
34 Jambuladinne 594389 410 Hectares 272 518124
35 Niluvugondla 594390 612 Hectares 160 518124
36 Illurukothapalle 594391 1618 Hectares 3720 518186
37 Gulam Nabipeta 594392 351 Hectares 269 518186

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