

Kyathampalle is belongs to Warangal (Rural) district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kyathampalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Dharmasagar
District : Warangal (Rural)
State : Telangana

Nearest Kyathampalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Velair 577711 2990 Hectares 9662 506142
2 Peechera 577712 2157 Hectares 5306 506145
3 Gundlasagar 577713 1079 Hectares 1216 506145
4 Sodeshapalle 577714 781 Hectares 1347 506151
5 Mallikudurla 577715 846 Hectares 2442 506151
6 Narayanagiri 577716 1345 Hectares 4494 506142
7 Mupparam 577717 1757 Hectares 3223 506142
8 Devunoor 577718 1418 Hectares 2563 506371
9 Somadevarapalle 577719 469 Hectares 1468 506371
10 Dharmasagar 577720 2142 Hectares 9350 506142
11 Elkurthi (P.D) 577721 2079 Hectares 4779 506142
12 Janakipur 577722 635 Hectares 1460 506151
13 Kyathampalle 577723 805 Hectares 1548 506151
14 Thatikayala 577724 1594 Hectares 3486 506151
15 Peddapendyala 577725 1989 Hectares 7152 506151
16 Rampur 577726 1667 Hectares 5277 506151
17 Dharmapur 577727 875 Hectares 2418 506144
18 Malakpalle 577728 261 Hectares 3449 506003

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