Lachannagudipudi is belongs to Guntur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Lachannagudipudi |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Tadikonda |
District | : | Guntur |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Pamulapadu | 589994 | 1694 Hectares | 2561 | 522018 |
2 | Bejatpuram | 589995 | 1342 Hectares | 2894 | 522018 |
3 | Lachannagudipudi | 589996 | 646 Hectares | 1301 | 522016 |
4 | Mothadaka | 589997 | 949 Hectares | 3266 | 522016 |
5 | Nidumukkala | 589998 | 815 Hectares | 4077 | 522016 |
6 | Tadikonda | 589999 | 5179 Hectares | 18505 | 522236 |
7 | Ponnekallu | 590000 | 1546 Hectares | 9703 | 522018 |
8 | Ravela | 590001 | 1460 Hectares | 5782 | 522018 |
9 | Bandarupalle | 590002 | 1930 Hectares | 5063 | 522018 |
10 | Damarapalle | 590003 | 1168 Hectares | 3316 | 522018 |
11 | Lam | 590004 | 1208 Hectares | 6552 | 522034 |
12 | Kantheru | 590005 | 1486 Hectares | 4942 | 522508 |
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