

Lakhora is belongs to Nizamabad district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Lakhora
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Velpur
District : Nizamabad
State : Telangana

Nearest Lakhora Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Lakhora 570867 561 Hectares 2530 503311
2 Padgal 570868 1609 Hectares 5688 503311
3 Pochampalle 570869 526 Hectares 904 503311
4 Anksapur 570870 821 Hectares 3726 503311
5 Kuknur 570871 630 Hectares 1729 503311
6 Komanpalle 570872 329 Hectares 1194 503311
7 Venkatapur 570873 240 Hectares 1462 503311
8 Mothe 570874 1445 Hectares 4159 503311
9 Velpur 570875 1887 Hectares 8321 503311
10 Ameenapur 570876 175 Hectares 1413 503311
11 Sahebpet 570877 385 Hectares 387 503307
12 Janakampeta 570878 349 Hectares 1619 503307
13 Narkhoda 570879 1743 Hectares 5464 503307
14 Wadi 570880 275 Hectares 1076 503307
15 Kothapalle 570881 154 Hectares 1069 503307
16 Aklur 570882 897 Hectares 1745 503311

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