

Lathavaram is belongs to Anantapur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Lathavaram
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Uravakonda
District : Anantapur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Lathavaram Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Nerimetla 594881 991 Hectares 2206 515812
2 Rayampalle 594882 1243 Hectares 1339 515812
3 Renimakulapalle 594883 767 Hectares 1666 515812
4 Budagavi 594884 1531 Hectares 1932 515812
5 Veligonda 594885 1197 Hectares 1804 515812
6 Lathavaram 594886 1622 Hectares 2269 515812
7 Shaiksanipalle 594887 1258 Hectares 2899 515812
8 Racharla 594888 813 Hectares 303 515812
9 Pennahobilam 594889 946 Hectares 66 515812
10 Kondapuram 594890 697 Hectares 710 515812
11 Chinna Musturu 594891 911 Hectares 1942 515812
12 Pedda Musturu 594892 1149 Hectares 1409 515812
13 Mopidi 594893 1380 Hectares 2462 515812
14 Indravathi 594894 2571 Hectares 736 515812
15 Nimbagal 594895 1969 Hectares 2849 515812
16 Vyasapuram 594896 1061 Hectares 1518 515812
17 Amidala 594897 4938 Hectares 6938 515812
18 Raketla 594898 4428 Hectares 4405 515822
19 Peddakowkuntla 594899 3994 Hectares 3389 515822
20 Y.Rampuram 594900 2074 Hectares 2546 515812
21 Mylarampalle 594901 2619 Hectares 1248 515812

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