Lathavaram is belongs to Anantapur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Lathavaram |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Uravakonda |
District | : | Anantapur |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Nerimetla | 594881 | 991 Hectares | 2206 | 515812 |
2 | Rayampalle | 594882 | 1243 Hectares | 1339 | 515812 |
3 | Renimakulapalle | 594883 | 767 Hectares | 1666 | 515812 |
4 | Budagavi | 594884 | 1531 Hectares | 1932 | 515812 |
5 | Veligonda | 594885 | 1197 Hectares | 1804 | 515812 |
6 | Lathavaram | 594886 | 1622 Hectares | 2269 | 515812 |
7 | Shaiksanipalle | 594887 | 1258 Hectares | 2899 | 515812 |
8 | Racharla | 594888 | 813 Hectares | 303 | 515812 |
9 | Pennahobilam | 594889 | 946 Hectares | 66 | 515812 |
10 | Kondapuram | 594890 | 697 Hectares | 710 | 515812 |
11 | Chinna Musturu | 594891 | 911 Hectares | 1942 | 515812 |
12 | Pedda Musturu | 594892 | 1149 Hectares | 1409 | 515812 |
13 | Mopidi | 594893 | 1380 Hectares | 2462 | 515812 |
14 | Indravathi | 594894 | 2571 Hectares | 736 | 515812 |
15 | Nimbagal | 594895 | 1969 Hectares | 2849 | 515812 |
16 | Vyasapuram | 594896 | 1061 Hectares | 1518 | 515812 |
17 | Amidala | 594897 | 4938 Hectares | 6938 | 515812 |
18 | Raketla | 594898 | 4428 Hectares | 4405 | 515822 |
19 | Peddakowkuntla | 594899 | 3994 Hectares | 3389 | 515822 |
20 | Y.Rampuram | 594900 | 2074 Hectares | 2546 | 515812 |
21 | Mylarampalle | 594901 | 2619 Hectares | 1248 | 515812 |
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