

Lebaka is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Lebaka
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Nandalur
District : YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Lebaka Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Chintalakunta 593577 1601 Hectares 385 516152
2 Patur 593578 883 Hectares 3578 516150
3 Nandalur 593579 775 Hectares 5481 516150
4 Adapur 593580 699 Hectares 2031 516152
5 Yellamarajupalle 593581 135 Hectares 279 516152
6 Kommuru 593582 795 Hectares 571 516152
7 Ramamambapuram 593583 117 Hectares -
8 Konapuram 593584 501 Hectares 289 516151
9 Rangayapalle 593585 407 Hectares 490 516152
10 Thimmarajupalle 593586 324 Hectares -
11 Pothapi 593587 1373 Hectares 2737 516151
12 Jangalapalle 593588 94 Hectares 124 516152
13 Nookinenipalle 593589 238 Hectares 1085 516152
14 Kunda Nellore 593590 238 Hectares 377 516152
15 Komarunipalle 593591 456 Hectares 105 516293
16 Tanguturu 593592 1796 Hectares 3523 516359
17 Tangutur Vengamambapuram 593593 235 Hectares 594 516152
18 Lebaka 593594 1539 Hectares 4204 516151
19 Nallathimmayapalle 593595 284 Hectares 1353 516152
20 Lebaka Manga Mamba Puram 593596 355 Hectares 378 516152

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