

Lellapalli is belongs to Prakasam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Lellapalli
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Tripuranthakam
District : Prakasam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Lellapalli Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Madhavani Palle 590566 155 Hectares -
2 Duvvali 590567 557 Hectares 959 523326
3 Ramasamudram 590568 817 Hectares 2725 523326
4 Mittapalem 590569 1579 Hectares 1747 523026
5 Ganapavaram 590570 1841 Hectares 7022 523326
6 Medapi 590571 3074 Hectares 6589 523326
7 Annasamudram 590572 2399 Hectares 3799 523326
8 Kankanala Palle 590573 3628 Hectares 7279 523326
9 Tripuranthakam 590574 1637 Hectares 10392 523326
10 Raju Palem 590575 654 Hectares 3225 523326
11 Lella Palle 590576 1354 Hectares 1623 523326
12 Viswanadhapuram 590577 1703 Hectares 2972 523326
13 Thimmana Palem 590578 725 Hectares -
14 Muktumpuram 590579 127 Hectares -
15 Dupadu 590580 3439 Hectares 8271 523330
16 Golla Palle 590581 653 Hectares 2619 523330
17 Narasingapuram 590582 482 Hectares 2134 523326
18 Miriam Palle 590583 824 Hectares 1271 523326

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