
Lingamguntla Agraharam (Part)

Lingamguntla Agraharam (Part) is belongs to Guntur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Lingamguntla Agraharam (Part)
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Narasaraopet
District : Guntur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Lingamguntla Agraharam (Part) Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Palapadu 590145 902 Hectares 3168 522601
2 Ravipadu 590146 2149 Hectares 8047 522601
3 Guntagarlapadu 590147 311 Hectares -
4 Mulakalur 590148 2244 Hectares 10450 522601
5 Pamidipadu Agraharam 590149 1510 Hectares 4845 522601
6 Dondapadu Agraharam 590150 548 Hectares 2581 522601
7 Jonnalagadda 590151 1062 Hectares 5657 522601
8 Pothavarappadu 590152 214 Hectares -
9 Kesanapalle 590153 1274 Hectares 3844 522601
10 Narasaraopeta (R) (Part) 590154 818 Hectares 5409 522601
11 Lingamguntla Agraharam (Part) 590155 791 Hectares 10567 522601
12 Ikkurru 590156 1110 Hectares 6147 522601
13 Uppalapadu 590157 1136 Hectares 4040 522601
14 Kakani 590158 1679 Hectares 3804 522601
15 Petlurivaripalem 590159 862 Hectares 3656 522601
16 Kondakavuru 590160 1527 Hectares 4908 522601
17 Ellamanda 590161 4480 Hectares 17336 522601

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