Lingana Boinacherla, Chamakuripalem & Pasaladevi is belongs to West Siang district in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Lingana Boinacherla, Chamakuripalem & Pasaladevi |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Narasapuram |
District | : | West Siang |
State | : | Arunachal Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Kamsalibethapudi | 588759 | 357 Hectares | 1060 | 534207 |
2 | Kopparru | 588760 | 1308 Hectares | 5777 | 534275 |
3 | Mallavaram | 588761 | 1232 Hectares | 3664 | 534275 |
4 | Likhithapudi | 588762 | 330 Hectares | 1741 | 534275 |
5 | Saripalle | 588763 | 592 Hectares | 2614 | 534275 |
6 | Chittavaram | 588764 | 466 Hectares | 3462 | 534275 |
7 | Gondi | 588765 | 273 Hectares | 1261 | 534275 |
8 | Navarasapuram | 588766 | 458 Hectares | 1808 | 534275 |
9 | Chinamamidipalle (R) | 588767 | 622 Hectares | 1023 | 534275 |
10 | Rustumbada (R) | 588768 | 1238 Hectares | 5559 | 534275 |
11 | Seetharamapuram | 588769 | 744 Hectares | 7461 | 534280 |
12 | Lakshmaneswaram | 588770 | 1618 Hectares | 13292 | 534275 |
13 | Lingana Boinacherla | 588771 | 2054 Hectares | 10376 | 534275 |
14 | Thurputallu | 588772 | 1287 Hectares | 9650 | 534280 |
15 | Vemuladeevi | 588773 | 2786 Hectares | 11223 | 534275 |
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