Ellaram is belongs to Adilabad district in the state of Telangana.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Ellaram |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Luxettipet |
District | : | Adilabad |
State | : | Telangana |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Dowdepalle | 570570 | 496 Hectares | 1740 | 504215 |
2 | Patha Kommugudem | 570571 | 734 Hectares | 2698 | 504215 |
3 | Talamalla | 570572 | 1478 Hectares | 208 | 504215 |
4 | Challampet | 570573 | 1142 Hectares | 125 | 504215 |
5 | Balraopet | 570574 | 1098 Hectares | 1071 | 504207 |
6 | Jendavenkatapur | 570575 | 358 Hectares | 2206 | 504207 |
7 | Rangapet | 570576 | 528 Hectares | 677 | 504215 |
8 | Chandram | 570577 | 585 Hectares | 2904 | 504215 |
9 | Venkataraopet | 570578 | 786 Hectares | 4996 | 504215 |
10 | Ellaram | 570579 | 312 Hectares | 1098 | 504215 |
11 | Kothur | 570580 | 529 Hectares | 1291 | 504215 |
12 | Utukur | 570581 | 865 Hectares | 5397 | 504215 |
13 | Modela | 570582 | 830 Hectares | 1641 | 504215 |
14 | Itkyal | 570583 | 1117 Hectares | 3269 | 504215 |
15 | Lingapur | 570584 | 127 Hectares | 457 | 504207 |
16 | Thimmapur | 570585 | 343 Hectares | 1916 | 504207 |
17 | Laxmipur | 570586 | 1030 Hectares | 1894 | 504215 |
18 | Pothepalle | 570587 | 628 Hectares | 1700 | 504215 |
19 | Gullakota | 570588 | 1156 Hectares | 3108 | 504207 |
20 | Mittapally | 570589 | 449 Hectares | 956 | 504207 |
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