

Komatipalle is belongs to Warangal (Rural) district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Komatipalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Mangapet
District : Warangal (Rural)
State : Telangana

Nearest Komatipalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Mangapet (Podmur) 577926 1456 Hectares 3652 506172
2 Tondyala Laxmipur 577927 2061 Hectares 550 506172
3 Narsapur (Mangapet) 577928 572 Hectares 2223 506172
4 Komatipalle 577929 3700 Hectares 2224 506172
5 Cherupalle 577930 6628 Hectares 4653 506172
6 Thimmampet 577931 1039 Hectares 3089 506172
7 Mallur 577932 2201 Hectares 3458 506172
8 Chunchupalle 577933 962 Hectares 943 506172
9 Ramanakkapet 577934 153 Hectares 2054 506172
10 Wadagudem 577935 666 Hectares 772 506172
11 Narsimhasagar 577936 1669 Hectares 2542 506172
12 Rajupet 577937 712 Hectares 2709 506172
13 Gollagudem 577938 111 Hectares -
14 Kathigudem 577939 604 Hectares 1086 506172
15 Brahmanapalle 577940 155 Hectares 847 506172
16 Ramachandrunipet 577941 1199 Hectares 2220 506172
17 Poredupalle 577942 360 Hectares 566 506172
18 Barlagudem 577943 348 Hectares -
19 Lodukgudem 577944 52 Hectares -
20 Domeda 577945 4798 Hectares 1986 506172
21 Bandarugudem 577946 416 Hectares 278 506172
22 Akinepalle Mallaram 577947 572 Hectares 1075 506172

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