

Mangaram is belongs to Nizamabad district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Mangaram
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Lingampet
District : Nizamabad
State : Telangana

Nearest Mangaram Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Kanchmahal 571496 793 Hectares 246 503124
2 Kondapur 571497 768 Hectares 866 503124
3 Mombajipet 571498 856 Hectares 1634 503124
4 Banapur 571499 1170 Hectares 1651 503124
5 Korpole 571500 607 Hectares 1540 503124
6 Nallamadugu 571501 884 Hectares 1499 503124
7 Motha 571502 1563 Hectares 2703 503124
8 Yellaram 571503 413 Hectares 253 503124
9 Lingampalle (Khurd) 571504 3524 Hectares 3276 503124
10 Nagaram 571505 335 Hectares 163 503124
11 Bayampalle 571506 628 Hectares 511 503124
12 Jaldipalle 571507 199 Hectares 799 503124
13 Bhavanipet 571508 1533 Hectares 2571 503124
14 Rampur 571509 468 Hectares 761 503124
15 Bonal 571510 410 Hectares 1351 503124
16 Mangaram 571511 925 Hectares 716 503124
17 Lingampet 571512 1786 Hectares 9860 503124
18 Shetpalle 571513 737 Hectares 2569 503124
19 Perumalla 571514 1169 Hectares 2453 503124
20 Shatpalle 571515 2313 Hectares 6004 503124
21 Polkampet 571516 826 Hectares 2223 503124
22 Kannapur 571517 461 Hectares 891 503124
23 Pothaipalle 571518 2755 Hectares 3582 503124

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