Manigilla is belongs to Mahabubnagar district in the state of Telangana.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Manigilla |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Peddamandadi |
District | : | Mahabubnagar |
State | : | Telangana |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Peddamungalachedu | 576025 | 909 Hectares | 1201 | 509382 |
2 | Chinnamungalachedu | 576026 | 404 Hectares | 770 | |
3 | Kanmanoor | 576027 | 409 Hectares | 1471 | 509381 |
4 | Baleedupalle | 576028 | 658 Hectares | 1591 | |
5 | Veltoor | 576029 | 2043 Hectares | 4916 | 509382 |
6 | Gatlakhanapur | 576030 | 1188 Hectares | 2892 | |
7 | Alwal | 576031 | 1137 Hectares | 1751 | 509408 |
8 | Chinnamandadi | 576032 | 925 Hectares | 1622 | |
9 | Veeraipalle | 576033 | 314 Hectares | 1504 | 509380 |
10 | Pamireddipalle | 576034 | 1457 Hectares | 3638 | |
11 | Maddigatla | 576035 | 1316 Hectares | 3504 | 509382 |
12 | Mojerla | 576036 | 1258 Hectares | 1879 | |
13 | Manigilla | 576037 | 1176 Hectares | 3466 | 509103 |
14 | Jagathpalle | 576038 | 1625 Hectares | 2275 | |
15 | Peddamandadi | 576039 | 3196 Hectares | 7823 | 509103 |
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