

Manikurthy is belongs to Kurnool district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Manikurthy
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Alur
District : Kurnool
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Manikurthy Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Kurukunda 594151 1956 Hectares 2213 518395
2 A.Gonehal 594152 329 Hectares 345 518395
3 Kammarachedu 594153 1663 Hectares 2530 518395
4 Katriki 594154 474 Hectares 453 518395
5 Musanahalli 594155 451 Hectares 1170 518395
6 Marakattu 594156 875 Hectares 1706 518395
7 Manikurthi 594157 342 Hectares 1608 518395
8 Angaskal 594158 1133 Hectares 893 518395
9 Muddanagiri 594159 1116 Hectares 1245 518395
10 Karadiguddam 594160 631 Hectares 414 518395
11 Hulebeedu 594161 2072 Hectares 2791 518395
12 Thumbalabeedu 594162 689 Hectares 1490 518395
13 Peddahottur 594163 4843 Hectares 4732 518395
14 Alur 594164 2432 Hectares 14426 518395
15 Arikera 594165 2958 Hectares 4869 518395
16 Kuruvalli 594166 1045 Hectares 1219 518395
17 Hathi Belgal 594167 7328 Hectares 4255 518395
18 Molagavalli 594168 6417 Hectares 9475 518395

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