

Mantapampalle is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Mantapampalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Vontimitta
District : YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Mantapampalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Darjipalle 593370 303 Hectares 343 516213
2 Gollapalle 593371 303 Hectares 415 516213
3 Pennaperuru 593372 1851 Hectares 2753 516213
4 Kudumalur 593373 1315 Hectares 964 516213
5 Kotapadu 593374 1401 Hectares -
6 Ponnapalle 593375 1546 Hectares -
7 Gundlamada 593376 302 Hectares -
8 Brahmanapalle 593377 894 Hectares -
9 Kuruguntlapalle 593378 5006 Hectares -
10 Madhavaram 593379 1446 Hectares -
11 Narayanarajupeta 593380 36 Hectares -
12 Rachagudipalle 593381 698 Hectares 3229 516213
13 Gangaperuru 593382 737 Hectares 2478 516213
14 Vontimitta 593383 1964 Hectares 16067 516213
15 Jowkulapalle 593384 1888 Hectares 404 516247
16 Mangampeta 593385 278 Hectares 360 516152
17 Chintarajupalle 593386 2313 Hectares 1947 516152
18 Mantapampalle 593387 823 Hectares 2990 516152
19 Konarajupalle 593388 3494 Hectares 1150 516152

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