Manyanvaripalem is belongs to East Godavari district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Manyanvaripalem |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Jaggampeta |
District | : | East Godavari |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Narendrapatnam | 587238 | 1244 Hectares | 3558 | 533435 |
2 | Mamidada | 587239 | 1260 Hectares | 3105 | 533435 |
3 | Irripaka | 587240 | 725 Hectares | 3232 | 533435 |
4 | Seethampeta | 587241 | 384 Hectares | 167 | 533435 |
5 | Kandregula | 587242 | 808 Hectares | 2280 | 533435 |
6 | Manyanvaripalem | 587243 | 1172 Hectares | 2835 | 533435 |
7 | Govindapuram | 587244 | 1185 Hectares | 1992 | 533435 |
8 | Mallisala | 587245 | 1540 Hectares | 5195 | 533435 |
9 | Rajapudi | 587246 | 2009 Hectares | 9267 | 533435 |
10 | Balabhadrapuram | 587247 | 383 Hectares | 514 | 533435 |
11 | Gollalagunta | 587248 | 1061 Hectares | 801 | 533435 |
12 | Marripaka | 587249 | 551 Hectares | 1981 | 533435 |
13 | Gurrappalem | 587250 | 287 Hectares | 4351 | 533435 |
14 | Tirupatirajupeta | 587251 | 679 Hectares | 35 | 533435 |
15 | J. Kothuru | 587252 | 295 Hectares | 3545 | 533435 |
16 | Jaggampeta | 587253 | 1886 Hectares | 18879 | 533435 |
17 | Seethanagaram | 587254 | 515 Hectares | 1045 | 533435 |
18 | Katravulapalle | 587255 | 1082 Hectares | 11530 | 533437 |
19 | Ramavaram | 587256 | 1498 Hectares | 5328 | 533435 |
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