

Mathapalle is belongs to Medak district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Mathapalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Kondapak
District : Medak
State : Telangana

Nearest Mathapalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Marpadga 573044 2989 Hectares 6303 502372
2 Duddada 573045 1647 Hectares 5728 502277
3 Bandaram 573046 1482 Hectares 2188 502277
4 Ankireddipalle 573047 1089 Hectares 2886 502277
5 Viswanathapalle 573048 461 Hectares 299 502277
6 Velikattu 573049 998 Hectares 2084 502277
7 Zapthi Nacharam 573050 529 Hectares 1289 502372
8 Sirsingandla 573051 2178 Hectares 3953 502372
9 Giraipalle 573052 449 Hectares 516 502372
10 Kondapak 573053 2890 Hectares 5607 502372
11 Thimmareddipalle 573054 851 Hectares 1692 502372
12 Lakudaram 573055 1112 Hectares 1945 502301
13 Madinipur 573056 470 Hectares 1311 502301
14 Mathapalle 573057 412 Hectares 737 502301
15 Konaipalle 573058 338 Hectares 660 502301
16 Errapalle 573059 1265 Hectares 1745 502301
17 Singaram 573060 465 Hectares 561 502301
18 Thipparam 573061 813 Hectares 1208 502301
19 Muddapur 573062 369 Hectares 506 502301
20 Mangole 573063 826 Hectares 2008 502301
21 Kuknurpalle 573064 1092 Hectares 5366 502301

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