

Mojerla is belongs to Mahabubnagar district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Mojerla
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Peddamandadi
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Telangana

Nearest Mojerla Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Peddamungalachedu 576025 909 Hectares 1201 509382
2 Chinnamungalachedu 576026 404 Hectares 770
3 Kanmanoor 576027 409 Hectares 1471 509381
4 Baleedupalle 576028 658 Hectares 1591
5 Veltoor 576029 2043 Hectares 4916 509382
6 Gatlakhanapur 576030 1188 Hectares 2892
7 Alwal 576031 1137 Hectares 1751 509408
8 Chinnamandadi 576032 925 Hectares 1622
9 Veeraipalle 576033 314 Hectares 1504 509380
10 Pamireddipalle 576034 1457 Hectares 3638
11 Maddigatla 576035 1316 Hectares 3504 509382
12 Mojerla 576036 1258 Hectares 1879
13 Manigilla 576037 1176 Hectares 3466 509103
14 Jagathpalle 576038 1625 Hectares 2275
15 Peddamandadi 576039 3196 Hectares 7823 509103

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