Motakatla & Prakashnagar Colony is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Motakatla & Prakashnagar Colony |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Sambepalle |
District | : | YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Narayanareddipalle | 593502 | 1680 Hectares | 3537 | 516215 |
2 | Motakatla | 593503 | 2757 Hectares | 3475 | 516215 |
3 | Gunnikuntla | 593504 | 1373 Hectares | 1791 | 516269 |
4 | Guriginjakunta | 593505 | 1360 Hectares | 1315 | 516215 |
5 | Dudyala | 593506 | 1781 Hectares | 3495 | 516215 |
6 | Sambepalle | 593507 | 635 Hectares | 2030 | 516215 |
7 | Routhukunta | 593508 | 1373 Hectares | 2277 | 516215 |
8 | Devapatla | 593509 | 3356 Hectares | 6532 | 516215 |
9 | Sho.Somavaram | 593510 | 997 Hectares | 1861 | 516213 |
10 | Guttapalle | 593511 | 637 Hectares | 1469 | 516215 |
11 | Settipalle | 593512 | 7852 Hectares | 9224 | 516215 |
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