

Mulapalle is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Mulapalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Sidhout
District : YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Mulapalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Lingampalle 593389 321 Hectares 657 516002
2 Kadapayapalle 593390 210 Hectares 1054 516002
3 Ponnavolu 593391 572 Hectares 1658 516237
4 Tokkolu 593392 1049 Hectares 2513 516002
5 Machupalle 593393 488 Hectares 2426 516002
6 Jyothi 593394 4564 Hectares 1449 516237
7 Vontithatipalle 593395 602 Hectares 1356 516237
8 S.Rajampeta 593396 1170 Hectares 834 516237
9 Mulapalle 593397 370 Hectares 463 516259
10 Gundlamoola 593398 512 Hectares 430 516237
11 Sidhout 593399 743 Hectares 4787 516237
12 Jangalapalle 593400 3482 Hectares 907 516237
13 Velugupalle 593401 720 Hectares 441 516237
14 Shakarajupalle 593402 908 Hectares 4078 516247
15 Nekanapuram 593403 1034 Hectares 822 516247
16 Kanumalapalle 593404 182 Hectares 499 516247
17 Mandapalle 593405 542 Hectares 133 516247
18 Peddapalle 593406 2076 Hectares 12945 516247

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