

Munagapaka is belongs to Visakhapatnam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Munagapaka
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Munagapaka
District : Visakhapatnam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Munagapaka Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Gantavanipalem 586348 222 Hectares 887 531031
2 Kumarapuram 586349 109 Hectares 359 531033
3 Chuchikonda 586350 99 Hectares 2667 531055
4 Ganaparthi 586351 195 Hectares 2148 531055
5 Challamalla 586352 33 Hectares -
6 Nelupaka 586353 506 Hectares 2239 531055
7 Madakapalem 586354 255 Hectares 735 531055
8 Cherlopalem 586355 534 Hectares 1549 531055
9 Narendrapuram 586356 321 Hectares 114 531055
10 Ramabhadrapuram Agraharam 586357 22 Hectares -
11 Pallapu Anandapuram 586358 171 Hectares 968 531033
12 Purushottampuram 586359 287 Hectares 320 531033
13 Arabupalem 586360 162 Hectares 1835 531033
14 Vompolu 586361 189 Hectares 2746 531002
15 Nagulapalle 586362 321 Hectares 4603 531002
16 Ummalada 586363 162 Hectares 2401 531002
17 Jaggayyapeta Agraharam 586364 40 Hectares 1087 531002
18 Thotada 586365 664 Hectares 5053 531002
19 T.Sirasapalle 586366 492 Hectares 2405 531002
20 Venkatapuram 586367 242 Hectares 1330 531021
21 Patipalle 586368 894 Hectares 2686 531033
22 Munagapaka 586369 1011 Hectares 10028 531033
23 Thimmarajupeta 586370 181 Hectares 2157 531033
24 Vadrapalle 586371 363 Hectares 2338 531033
25 Mallavaram 586372 785 Hectares 1222 531033
26 Kakarapalle 586373 357 Hectares 856 531033
27 Rajupeta Agraharam 586374 114 Hectares 966 531033
28 Nagavaram 586375 838 Hectares 1821 531033

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