

Munellapalle is belongs to Chittoor district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Munellapalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Kalikiri
District : Chittoor
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Munellapalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Cheekatipalle 596064 663 Hectares 917 517237
2 Mahal 596065 123 Hectares 2319 517235
3 Gundloor 596066 2051 Hectares 5172 517235
4 T.Sandrapalle 596067 467 Hectares 1075 517213
5 Munellapalle 596068 749 Hectares 1226 517213
6 Pallavolu 596069 855 Hectares 2484 517237
7 Parapatla 596070 939 Hectares 795 517237
8 Medikurthi 596071 1488 Hectares 3491 517237
9 Marrikuntapalle 596072 2057 Hectares 3593 517237
10 Pathegada 596073 1246 Hectares 2671 517234
11 Korlakunta 596074 784 Hectares 1618 517234
12 Kalikirireddivari Palle 596075 1284 Hectares 5874 517234
13 Guttapalem 596076 1978 Hectares 4429 517234
14 Kalikiri 596077 1120 Hectares 13065 517234

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