

Munnelli is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Munnelli
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : B.Kodur
District : YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Munnelli Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Munnelli 593034 3763 Hectares 7071 516193
2 Bodugundupalle 593035 65 Hectares -
3 Kodur 593036 2046 Hectares 4376 516228
4 Channakesapuram 593037 117 Hectares 54 516228
5 Papanapalle 593038 178 Hectares 291 516228
6 Maratipalle 593039 168 Hectares 360 516228
7 Ankanagodu Gunuru 593040 510 Hectares 461 516228
8 A.Kothapalle 593041 127 Hectares -
9 Vemakunta 593042 207 Hectares -
10 Madhavarayunipalle 593043 355 Hectares 495 516228
11 Kamakunta 593044 1083 Hectares 1070 516228
12 M.Narasimhapuram 593045 172 Hectares 211 516228
13 Mekavaripalle 593046 1158 Hectares 1760 516228
14 Peddullapalle 593047 522 Hectares 675 516228
15 Kondampalle 593048 273 Hectares 268 516228
16 Prabhalaveedu 593049 1277 Hectares 2158 516228
17 Venkatapuram 593050 193 Hectares -
18 Thangedupalle 593051 370 Hectares 688 516502
19 Thipparajupalle 593052 313 Hectares 533 516228

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