
N.R.P. Agraharam

N.R.P. Agraharam is belongs to West Siang district in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : N.R.P. Agraharam
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Undi
District : West Siang
State : Arunachal Pradesh

Nearest N.R.P. Agraharam Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Kaligotla 588603 327 Hectares 2025 534189
2 Aredu 588604 710 Hectares 1104 534189
3 Panduvva 588605 571 Hectares 2455 534189
4 Panduvvakhandrika 588606 140 Hectares 243 534189
5 Unudurru 588607 720 Hectares 2079 534186
6 Yendagandi 588608 1122 Hectares 5892 534186
7 Uppuluru 588609 594 Hectares 3160 534199
8 Chilukuru 588610 838 Hectares 2127 534199
9 Kolamuru 588611 1156 Hectares 3298 534199
10 Pamulaparru 588612 456 Hectares 2099 534199
11 Arthamuru 588613 468 Hectares 1927 534199
12 Cherukuwada 588614 952 Hectares 5639 534199
13 Kalisipudi 588615 351 Hectares 1560 534199
14 Undi 588616 1915 Hectares 15322 534199
15 Pedapulleru 588617 284 Hectares 2919 534199
16 Chinapulluru 588618 285 Hectares 1403 534237
17 Vandrum 588619 678 Hectares 2393 534204
18 Narasimharajapura Agraharam 588620 354 Hectares 3156 534199
19 Velivarru 588621 287 Hectares 1234 534199
20 Mahadevapatnam 588622 695 Hectares 6014 534199

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