Nallapalle is belongs to Medak district in the state of Telangana.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Nallapalle |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Jinnaram |
District | : | Medak |
State | : | Telangana |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Lakshmapur | 573896 | 434 Hectares | 159 | 502313 |
2 | Kothapalle | 573897 | 374 Hectares | 1559 | 502313 |
3 | Pyaranagar | 573898 | 291 Hectares | 171 | 502313 |
4 | Nallapalle | 573899 | 861 Hectares | 1876 | 502313 |
5 | Mambapur | 573900 | 1105 Hectares | 809 | 502313 |
6 | Antharam | 573901 | 426 Hectares | 861 | 502313 |
7 | Kankunta | 573902 | 2194 Hectares | 5091 | 502313 |
8 | Dacharam | 573903 | 276 Hectares | 872 | 502313 |
9 | Gummadidala | 573904 | 1312 Hectares | 8032 | 502313 |
10 | Domadugu | 573905 | 520 Hectares | 4183 | 502313 |
11 | Vailal | 573906 | 1000 Hectares | 2167 | 502319 |
12 | Jinnaram | 573907 | 1418 Hectares | 4336 | 502319 |
13 | Palem | 573908 | 124 Hectares | - | |
14 | Mangampet | 573909 | 375 Hectares | 727 | 502319 |
15 | Gotla | 573910 | 929 Hectares | 1632 | 502319 |
16 | Solakpalle | 573911 | 1194 Hectares | 2422 | 502319 |
17 | Amdoor | 573912 | 783 Hectares | 1211 | 502296 |
18 | Sivanagar | 573913 | 298 Hectares | 1653 | 502319 |
19 | Kodakanchi | 573914 | 811 Hectares | 1049 | 502319 |
20 | Puttaguda | 573915 | 279 Hectares | 1078 | 502319 |
21 | Nalthur | 573916 | 843 Hectares | 1286 | 502319 |
22 | Madharam | 573917 | 436 Hectares | 2489 | 502319 |
23 | Khazipalle | 573918 | 495 Hectares | 1813 | 502319 |
24 | Kistaipalle | 573919 | 368 Hectares | 1246 | 502319 |
25 | Chetlapotharam | 573920 | 255 Hectares | 1645 | 502319 |
26 | Gaddipotharam | 573921 | 244 Hectares | 797 | 502319 |
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