

Nallavelli is belongs to Mahabubnagar district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Nallavelli
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Nagarkurnool
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Telangana

Nearest Nallavelli Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Nallavelli 575720 991 Hectares 1763 509235
2 Uyyalawada 575721 945 Hectares 2183 509235
3 Yendabetla 575722 630 Hectares 2562 509235
4 Bheemaram 575723 461 Hectares -
5 Chandayapalle 575724 488 Hectares -
6 Gaggalpalle 575725 945 Hectares 2436 509235
7 Malkapur 575726 505 Hectares 941 509235
8 Venkatapur 575727 268 Hectares 538 509235
9 Puljal 575728 817 Hectares 1139 509235
10 Manthati 575729 1212 Hectares 3238 509235
11 Deshitkyal 575730 816 Hectares 1749 509235
12 Naganul 575731 1936 Hectares 3617 509235
13 Laxmapuram 575732 325 Hectares -
14 Sripuram 575733 1157 Hectares 3856 509235
15 Bondalapalle 575734 571 Hectares 1898 509235
16 Thoodukurthy 575735 2117 Hectares 5820 509235
17 Peddapuram 575736 658 Hectares 2231 509235
18 Gudipalle 575737 796 Hectares 2546 509235
19 Auraspalle 575738 770 Hectares 924 509235
20 Vanapatla 575739 1017 Hectares 2797 509235
21 Narsaipalle 575740 486 Hectares 745 509235
22 Chandubatla 575741 552 Hectares 1233 509235
23 Ganyagula 575742 1142 Hectares 2310 509235
24 Peddamudnur 575743 1507 Hectares 3401 509235

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