

Nalluru is belongs to East Godavari district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Nalluru
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Kapileswarapuram
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Nalluru Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Nelaturu 587689 306 Hectares 3457 533308
2 Valluru 587690 692 Hectares 3890 533308
3 Nidasanametta 587691 132 Hectares 1248 533308
4 Vadlamuru 587692 195 Hectares 1756 533307
5 Kaleru 587693 577 Hectares 3903 533307
6 Nalluru 587694 646 Hectares 2648 533307
7 Vedurumudi 587695 303 Hectares 2412 533307
8 Angara 587696 924 Hectares 9064 533307
9 Padamati Khandrika 587697 272 Hectares 3506 533307
10 Teki 587698 1035 Hectares 6062 533307
11 Vakatippa 587699 877 Hectares 2624 533305
12 Machara 587700 824 Hectares 3694 533309
13 Korumilli 587701 1002 Hectares 8703 533309
14 Kapileswarapuram 587702 1978 Hectares 11698 533309
15 Thatapudi 587703 662 Hectares 2144 533309

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