

Nandampudi is belongs to East Godavari district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Nandampudi
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Ambajipeta
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Nandampudi Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Chiratapudi 587798 348 Hectares 3349 533229
2 Pulletikurru 587799 828 Hectares 9208 533239
3 Vakkalanka 587800 254 Hectares 2418 533241
4 Pasupalle 587801 176 Hectares 2070 533228
5 Mukkamala 587802 147 Hectares 2407 533241
6 Irusumanda 587803 241 Hectares 2722 533239
7 Mosalipalle 587804 263 Hectares 1927 533239
8 Gangalakurru 587805 704 Hectares 8088 533221
9 K. Pedapudi 587806 480 Hectares 3886 533239
10 Isukapudi 587807 419 Hectares 4080 533214
11 Machavaram 587808 952 Hectares 17185 533214
12 Nandampudi 587809 224 Hectares 2430 533214
13 Thondavaram 587810 354 Hectares 3364 533221

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