

Brahmanapalle is belongs to Kurnool district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Brahmanapalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Nandyal
District : Kurnool
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Brahmanapalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Polur 594301 1556 Hectares 4530 518511
2 Rayamalpuram 594302 483 Hectares 1464 518511
3 Munagala 594303 414 Hectares 907 518511
4 Pulimaddi 594304 1239 Hectares 1753 518511
5 Bheemavaram 594305 991 Hectares 2191 518523
6 Nandyal (R) 594306 4796 Hectares 5671 518523
7 Billalapuram 594307 244 Hectares 2148 518502
8 Kottala 594308 522 Hectares 5120 518502
9 Udumalpuram (R) (Part) 594309 1232 Hectares 2120 518502
10 Chapirevula 594310 1046 Hectares 5987 518502
11 Pusulur 594311 855 Hectares 2139 518593
12 Brahmanapalle 594312 320 Hectares 452 518593
13 Mitnala 594313 1117 Hectares 1873 518593
14 Kanala 594314 2424 Hectares 6422 518593
15 Chabolu 594315 937 Hectares 4892 518593
16 Gunthanala 594316 538 Hectares 935 518593
17 Ayyalur (Part) 594317 1637 Hectares 9340 518502

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