

Gondi is belongs to West Siang district in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Gondi
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Narasapuram
District : West Siang
State : Arunachal Pradesh

Nearest Gondi Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Kamsalibethapudi 588759 357 Hectares 1060 534207
2 Kopparru 588760 1308 Hectares 5777 534275
3 Mallavaram 588761 1232 Hectares 3664 534275
4 Likhithapudi 588762 330 Hectares 1741 534275
5 Saripalle 588763 592 Hectares 2614 534275
6 Chittavaram 588764 466 Hectares 3462 534275
7 Gondi 588765 273 Hectares 1261 534275
8 Navarasapuram 588766 458 Hectares 1808 534275
9 Chinamamidipalle (R) 588767 622 Hectares 1023 534275
10 Rustumbada (R) 588768 1238 Hectares 5559 534275
11 Seetharamapuram 588769 744 Hectares 7461 534280
12 Lakshmaneswaram 588770 1618 Hectares 13292 534275
13 Lingana Boinacherla 588771 2054 Hectares 10376 534275
14 Thurputallu 588772 1287 Hectares 9650 534280
15 Vemuladeevi 588773 2786 Hectares 11223 534275

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