Chettupalle is belongs to Visakhapatnam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Chettupalle |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Narsipatnam |
District | : | Visakhapatnam |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Veerabhupala Patnam | 585789 | 130 Hectares | - | |
2 | Neelampeta | 585790 | 85 Hectares | 1376 | 531116 |
3 | Gabbada | 585791 | 624 Hectares | 1973 | 531116 |
4 | Guramdorapalem | 585792 | 625 Hectares | 1562 | 531116 |
5 | Chettupalle | 585793 | 983 Hectares | 6076 | 531116 |
6 | Ordinary Laxmipuram | 585794 | 339 Hectares | 1550 | 531116 |
7 | Balighattam | 585795 | 2547 Hectares | 15002 | 531116 |
8 | Dharmasagaram | 585796 | 588 Hectares | 2314 | 531116 |
9 | Duggada | 585797 | 269 Hectares | 758 | 531116 |
10 | Vemulapudi | 585798 | 1736 Hectares | 9907 | 531117 |
11 | Amalapuram | 585799 | 1197 Hectares | 2647 | 531117 |
12 | Yerakannapalem | 585800 | 333 Hectares | 1909 | 531117 |
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