
Neerpakota & Kampaleem

Neerpakota & Kampaleem is belongs to Chittoor district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Neerpakota & Kampaleem
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Buchinaidu Kandriga
District : Chittoor
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Neerpakota & Kampaleem Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Bhavanisankarapuram 595915 281 Hectares 495 517640
2 Alathur 595916 2114 Hectares 3088 517640
3 Therripadu 595917 158 Hectares 43 517640
4 Putteri 595918 964 Hectares 791 517640
5 Chinnayyagunta 595919 310 Hectares 600 517640
6 Peddapalavedu 595920 919 Hectares 952 517640
7 Vijayagopalapuram 595921 1382 Hectares 876 517640
8 Kothapalem 595922 1074 Hectares 801 517640
9 Chellamambapuram 595923 175 Hectares 381 517640
10 Thimmabhupalapuram 595924 156 Hectares 618 517640
11 Parlapalle 595925 346 Hectares 1012 517640
12 Pallamala 595926 762 Hectares 1558 517640
13 Katur 595927 1307 Hectares 3309 517640
14 Thangellapuram 595928 195 Hectares 94 517640
15 Kanamanambedu 595929 701 Hectares 3553 517640
16 Neerpakota 595930 800 Hectares 3839 517640
17 Kukkambakam 595931 794 Hectares 1331 517640
18 Gajulapellore 595932 1107 Hectares 1883 517640
19 Kanchanaputtur 595933 885 Hectares 3057 517640
20 West Warathur 595934 455 Hectares 1360 517640
21 Nelavoy 595935 335 Hectares 717 517640
22 Kumara Venkatapuram 595936 185 Hectares 42 517640
23 Kallivettu 595937 651 Hectares 2475 517640
24 Talarivettu 595938 329 Hectares 1386 517640

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