Nemakal is belongs to Kurnool district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Nemakal |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Chippagiri |
District | : | Kurnool |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Ramadurgam | 594422 | 3814 Hectares | 3925 | 518380 |
2 | Thimmapuram | 594423 | 668 Hectares | 568 | 518380 |
3 | Nagaradona | 594424 | 1633 Hectares | 2789 | 518380 |
4 | Nemakal | 594425 | 3994 Hectares | 4810 | 518380 |
5 | Nancharla | 594426 | 1032 Hectares | 2666 | 518380 |
6 | Doulathapuram | 594427 | 995 Hectares | 776 | 518380 |
7 | Chippagiri | 594428 | 5555 Hectares | 4805 | 518380 |
8 | Kundanagurthi | 594429 | 928 Hectares | 1713 | 518380 |
9 | Degalahal | 594430 | 1180 Hectares | 1964 | 518380 |
10 | Beldona | 594431 | 2726 Hectares | 3058 | 518380 |
11 | Yerur | 594432 | 3313 Hectares | 2476 | 518380 |
12 | Gummanur | 594433 | 2197 Hectares | 1560 | 518380 |
13 | Khajipuram | 594434 | 757 Hectares | 835 | 518380 |
14 | Bantanahal | 594435 | 1222 Hectares | 1455 | 518380 |
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