Netajinagar is belongs to South Andaman district in the state of Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT).
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Netajinagar |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Little Andaman |
District | : | South Andaman |
State | : | Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT) |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Dugong Creek (OS) | 645552 | - | 109 | |
2 | Vivekanandapuram (RV) | 645553 | 648.71 Hectares | 2190 | |
3 | Rabindra Nagar (RV) | 645554 | 748.1 Hectares | 2108 | |
4 | Ramakrishnapur (RV) | 645555 | 887.94 Hectares | 4248 | |
5 | Netaji Nagar (RV) | 645556 | 258.75 Hectares | 1001 | |
6 | M/s Asia & Company (Asia Timber Product) | 645557 | - | 21 | |
7 | Hut Bay (RV) | 645558 | 890.63 Hectares | 7075 | 744207 |
8 | Harmender Bay (NS) | 645559 | - | 1264 | |
9 | South Bay (Light House Camp) | 645560 | - | - | |
10 | South Bay (OS) | 645561 | - | - | |
11 | Forest Camp at 19 km. (FDCA) | 645562 | - | 58 | |
12 | Forest Camp at 14 km. 5-III (FDCA) | 645563 | - | 31 | |
13 | Forest Camp at 14 km. 5-II (FDCA) | 645564 | - | 68 | |
14 | Forest Camp at 14 Km 5 - I (FDCA) | 645565 | - | - | |
15 | Butler Bay Forest Camp 4-III (FDCA) | 645566 | - | 70 | |
16 | Butler Bay Forest Camp 4-IV (FDCA) | 645567 | - | 183 | |
17 | Red Oil Palm (Nursery Camp) | 645568 | - | 147 | |
18 | Butler Bay Forest Camp 4-II (FDCA) | 645569 | - | 183 | |
19 | Butler Bay Forest Camp 4-I (FDCA) | 645570 | - | 67 |
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