Nirjipala is belongs to Medak district in the state of Telangana.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Nirjipala |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Regode |
District | : | Medak |
State | : | Telangana |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Pocharam | 573240 | 176 Hectares | 495 | 502290 |
2 | Marpalle | 573241 | 496 Hectares | 1753 | 502290 |
3 | Regode | 573242 | 765 Hectares | 3732 | 502290 |
4 | Chowderpalle | 573243 | 478 Hectares | 978 | 502290 |
5 | Kothwalpalle | 573244 | 484 Hectares | 1471 | 502290 |
6 | Timmapur | 573245 | 484 Hectares | 573 | 502290 |
7 | Venkatapur [Maktha] | 573246 | 226 Hectares | 585 | 502290 |
8 | Jangriyal | 573247 | 368 Hectares | 1020 | 502290 |
9 | R. Itikyal | 573248 | 836 Hectares | 1529 | 502290 |
10 | Medikunda | 573249 | 534 Hectares | 1604 | 502290 |
11 | Dudiyal | 573250 | 730 Hectares | 1733 | 502290 |
12 | Dosapalle | 573251 | 733 Hectares | 2251 | 502290 |
13 | Kondapur | 573252 | 374 Hectares | 822 | 502290 |
14 | Burhanwadi | 573253 | 144 Hectares | 332 | 502290 |
15 | Pyararam | 573254 | 436 Hectares | 1077 | 502290 |
16 | Lingampalle | 573255 | 537 Hectares | 1412 | 502290 |
17 | Sindole | 573256 | 97 Hectares | 1424 | 502290 |
18 | Tatpalle | 573257 | 333 Hectares | 776 | 502290 |
19 | Gojwada | 573258 | 968 Hectares | 2303 | 502290 |
20 | Puladugu | 573259 | 479 Hectares | 783 | 502290 |
21 | Devenoor | 573260 | 878 Hectares | 1668 | 502269 |
22 | Bhootkur | 573261 | 494 Hectares | 1141 | 502290 |
23 | Usrikpalle | 573262 | 754 Hectares | 1482 | 502290 |
24 | Nirjipala | 573263 | 840 Hectares | 1017 | 502270 |
25 | Khaderabad | 573264 | 2526 Hectares | 4206 | 502270 |
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