
Onipenta & Viswanatha Puram

Onipenta & Viswanatha Puram is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Onipenta & Viswanatha Puram
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : S.Mydukur
District : YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Onipenta & Viswanatha Puram Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Yakarlapalem 592923 5039 Hectares -
2 Thippireddipalle 592924 1380 Hectares 1296 516173
3 Mudireddipalle 592925 516 Hectares 1260 516172
4 Mittamanipalle 592926 3414 Hectares 4253 516172
5 Onipenta 592927 2167 Hectares 7666 516173
6 Audireddipalle 592928 673 Hectares 754 516172
7 Ganjikunta 592929 3484 Hectares 4206 516173
8 Gaddamayapalle 592930 344 Hectares 401 516172
9 Lingaladinne 592931 474 Hectares 927 516172
10 N.Mydukur 592932 1658 Hectares 12957 516172
11 S.Mydukur 592933 1058 Hectares 24843 516172
12 Sivapuram 592934 586 Hectares 1287 516172
13 Annalur 592935 1237 Hectares 2426 516172
14 Somayajulapalle 592936 168 Hectares 624 516172
15 Settivaripalle 592937 2338 Hectares 6662 516173
16 Nandyalampeta 592938 5090 Hectares 11457 516172

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