P. Masanpalle is belongs to Medak district in the state of Telangana.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | P. Masanpalle |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Thoguta |
District | : | Medak |
State | : | Telangana |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Ghanpur | 573065 | 852 Hectares | 2093 | 502114 |
2 | Thoguta | 573066 | 818 Hectares | 3833 | 502372 |
3 | Thukkapur | 573067 | 565 Hectares | 1296 | 502372 |
4 | Yellareddipeta | 573068 | 1091 Hectares | 2517 | 502372 |
5 | Bandarupalle | 573069 | 800 Hectares | 1668 | 502114 |
6 | P Masanpalle | 573070 | 1305 Hectares | 1767 | 502372 |
7 | Eligaddakistapur | 573071 | 1160 Hectares | 3320 | 502301 |
8 | Vemulaghat | 573072 | 2256 Hectares | 2805 | 502301 |
9 | Pallepahad | 573073 | 959 Hectares | 1767 | 502301 |
10 | Gudikandula | 573074 | 1906 Hectares | 3877 | 502114 |
11 | Kangal | 573075 | 1010 Hectares | 1971 | 502114 |
12 | Lingampet | 573076 | 337 Hectares | 594 | 502372 |
13 | Zaptilingareddipalle | 573077 | 462 Hectares | 1342 | 502372 |
14 | Lingapur | 573078 | 852 Hectares | 1953 | 502278 |
15 | Venkatraopet | 573079 | 788 Hectares | 2765 | 502278 |
16 | Chandapur | 573080 | 297 Hectares | 920 | 502278 |
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