

Korukollu is belongs to West Siang district in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Korukollu
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Palacoderu
District : West Siang
State : Arunachal Pradesh

Nearest Korukollu Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Garagaparru 588623 1170 Hectares 5092 534186
2 Mypa 588624 279 Hectares 980 534186
3 Korukollu 588625 626 Hectares 3478 534209
4 Mogallu 588626 1340 Hectares 7102 534209
5 Kondepudi 588627 297 Hectares 1294 534210
6 Vendra Agraharam 588628 116 Hectares 599 534210
7 Vendra 588629 355 Hectares 4122 534210
8 Palakoderu 588630 478 Hectares 6701 534210
9 Gollalakoderu 588631 656 Hectares 4506 534202
10 Kumudavalli 588632 466 Hectares 4236 534202
11 Vissakoderu 588633 926 Hectares 9204 534244
12 Goraganamudi 588634 353 Hectares 2122 534224
13 Pennada Agraharam 588635 652 Hectares 5603 534243
14 Srungavruksham 588636 1564 Hectares 11080 534243

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