Palvancha is belongs to Medak district in the state of Telangana.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Palvancha |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Tekmal |
District | : | Medak |
State | : | Telangana |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Yelupugonda | 573200 | 1476 Hectares | 3295 | 502302 |
2 | Bodagat | 573201 | 2198 Hectares | 1191 | 502302 |
3 | Yellupet | 573202 | 839 Hectares | 1694 | 502302 |
4 | Shabad | 573203 | 82 Hectares | 1382 | 502302 |
5 | Yellampalle | 573204 | 613 Hectares | 1416 | 502302 |
6 | Hasanmohmadpalle | 573205 | 504 Hectares | 1157 | 502302 |
7 | Achannapalle | 573206 | 346 Hectares | 1403 | 502302 |
8 | Yelkurthi | 573207 | 908 Hectares | 1622 | 502302 |
9 | Korampalle | 573208 | 702 Hectares | 1381 | 502302 |
10 | Eklaspur | 573209 | 291 Hectares | 570 | 502302 |
11 | Tekmal | 573210 | 2243 Hectares | 8212 | 502302 |
12 | Tamploor | 573211 | 992 Hectares | 2145 | 502302 |
13 | Kadloor | 573212 | 884 Hectares | 2134 | 502302 |
14 | Bodmatpalle | 573213 | 462 Hectares | 1435 | 502269 |
15 | Bardipur | 573214 | 784 Hectares | 1440 | 502302 |
16 | Dadaipalle | 573215 | 314 Hectares | 885 | 502302 |
17 | Malkapur | 573216 | 176 Hectares | 596 | 502302 |
18 | Palvancha | 573217 | 493 Hectares | 1871 | 502302 |
19 | Dhannaram | 573218 | 865 Hectares | 2036 | 502302 |
20 | Kusangi | 573219 | 558 Hectares | 2014 | 502270 |
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