

Kothuru is belongs to Kurnool district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kothuru
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Panyam
District : Kurnool
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kothuru Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Pinnapuram 594246 2716 Hectares 1299 518217
2 Gorukallu 594247 1172 Hectares 3195 518217
3 Kondajutur 594248 711 Hectares 1747 518217
4 Chilakala 594249 1066 Hectares 664 518217
5 Balapanur 594250 1177 Hectares 4142 518217
6 Kowlur 594251 951 Hectares 5371 518112
7 Nerawada 594252 1153 Hectares 1655 518112
8 Panyam 594253 3106 Hectares 14562 518112
9 Thammarajupalle 594254 1075 Hectares 2144 518112
10 Konidedu 594255 1436 Hectares 2721 518112
11 Bhupanapadu 594256 1035 Hectares 2286 518112
12 Alamur 594257 2731 Hectares 3958 518112
13 Gonavaram 594258 850 Hectares 1739 518112
14 Kothuru 594259 456 Hectares 888 518112
15 Gaggatur 594260 513 Hectares 561 518112
16 Anupur 594261 1187 Hectares 1007 518112
17 Maddur 594262 1523 Hectares 2097 518593
18 Thogarchedu 594263 1269 Hectares 1390 518593

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