
Patha Kandukur

Patha Kandukur is belongs to Kurnool district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Patha Kandukur
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Allagadda
District : Kurnool
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Patha Kandukur Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Bathalur 594531 2187 Hectares 4088 518543
2 Nallagatla 594532 1526 Hectares 2528 518543
3 Gopalapuram 594533 261 Hectares 631 518543
4 G.Jambuladinne 594534 996 Hectares 3392 518543
5 Gubagundam 594535 1191 Hectares 753 518543
6 Devarayapuram 594536 881 Hectares 1402 518543
7 Peddachintakunta 594537 2967 Hectares 6732 518543
8 Padakandla 594538 1335 Hectares 4253 518543
9 Obulampalle 594539 1032 Hectares 3525 518543
10 Yadawada 594540 2178 Hectares 890 518543
11 Palasagaram 594541 225 Hectares 228 518543
12 Allagadda 594542 1026 Hectares 29789 518543
13 S.Lingamdinne 594543 518 Hectares 1775 518543
14 Patha Kandukur 594544 1399 Hectares 1598 518543
15 Chinta Kommadinne 594545 873 Hectares 945 518543
16 Kotha Kandukur 594546 2654 Hectares 4453 518543
17 R.Krishnapuram 594547 1594 Hectares 3042 518543
18 Mittalapalle 594548 2414 Hectares 1652 518543
19 Ahobilam 594549 1350 Hectares 3732 518543
20 Bachepalle 594550 1398 Hectares 3718 518543

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