

Payasampalle is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Payasampalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Veerapunayunipalle
District : YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Payasampalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Ankireddipalle 593255 366 Hectares 797 516390
2 Veldurthi 593256 1413 Hectares 1040 516339
3 Urutur 593257 2984 Hectares 3063 516339
4 Talapanur 593258 655 Hectares 652 516339
5 Payasampalle 593259 344 Hectares 2116 516339
6 Alidena 593260 1668 Hectares 1495 516339
7 Lingala 593261 1546 Hectares 515 516339
8 Keerthipalle 593262 806 Hectares 572 516339
9 Ayyavaripalle 593263 83 Hectares 666 516350
10 Indukur 593264 1981 Hectares 1378 516339
11 Kommaddi 593265 3556 Hectares 3868 516339
12 Moillacheruvu 593266 1545 Hectares 1347 516321
13 Northpalagiri 593267 3041 Hectares 4347 516321
14 Southpalagiri 593268 2673 Hectares 1208 516321
15 Tangedupalle 593269 518 Hectares 1294 516329
16 Gonumakulapalle 593270 871 Hectares 1178 516321
17 Animela 593271 3833 Hectares 5837 516321
18 Pillivaripalle 593272 168 Hectares -
19 U.Rajupalem 593273 1230 Hectares 1537 516218

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