Pedamakkena, Garnepudi is belongs to Guntur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Pedamakkena, Garnepudi |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Sattenapalle |
District | : | Guntur |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Bhrugubanda | 590020 | 2051 Hectares | 5479 | 522403 |
2 | Pakalapadu | 590021 | 1742 Hectares | 3268 | 522403 |
3 | Rentapalla | 590022 | 399 Hectares | 5308 | 522403 |
4 | Kattamuru | 590023 | 1328 Hectares | 3273 | 522403 |
5 | Gorantla | 590024 | 660 Hectares | 1276 | 522403 |
6 | Bhatlur | 590025 | 896 Hectares | 2888 | 522403 |
7 | Panidem | 590026 | 2056 Hectares | 5987 | 522403 |
8 | Pedamakkena | 590027 | 986 Hectares | 4298 | 522403 |
9 | Gudipudi | 590028 | 1782 Hectares | 5471 | 522403 |
10 | Abburu | 590029 | 1206 Hectares | 4100 | 522403 |
11 | Bhimavaram | 590030 | 1144 Hectares | 3850 | 522403 |
12 | Kankanalapalle | 590031 | 318 Hectares | 3460 | 522403 |
13 | Dhulipalla | 590032 | 2008 Hectares | 5468 | 522403 |
14 | Lakkarajugarlapadu | 590033 | 1412 Hectares | 4299 | 522403 |
15 | Nandigama | 590034 | 1562 Hectares | 6624 | 522403 |
16 | Kantepudi | 590035 | 539 Hectares | 2881 | 522403 |
17 | Komerapudi | 590036 | 1237 Hectares | 5957 | 522403 |
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