
Pedamakkena, Garnepudi

Pedamakkena, Garnepudi is belongs to Guntur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Pedamakkena, Garnepudi
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Sattenapalle
District : Guntur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Pedamakkena, Garnepudi Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Bhrugubanda 590020 2051 Hectares 5479 522403
2 Pakalapadu 590021 1742 Hectares 3268 522403
3 Rentapalla 590022 399 Hectares 5308 522403
4 Kattamuru 590023 1328 Hectares 3273 522403
5 Gorantla 590024 660 Hectares 1276 522403
6 Bhatlur 590025 896 Hectares 2888 522403
7 Panidem 590026 2056 Hectares 5987 522403
8 Pedamakkena 590027 986 Hectares 4298 522403
9 Gudipudi 590028 1782 Hectares 5471 522403
10 Abburu 590029 1206 Hectares 4100 522403
11 Bhimavaram 590030 1144 Hectares 3850 522403
12 Kankanalapalle 590031 318 Hectares 3460 522403
13 Dhulipalla 590032 2008 Hectares 5468 522403
14 Lakkarajugarlapadu 590033 1412 Hectares 4299 522403
15 Nandigama 590034 1562 Hectares 6624 522403
16 Kantepudi 590035 539 Hectares 2881 522403
17 Komerapudi 590036 1237 Hectares 5957 522403

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