Peddagottigallu is belongs to Chittoor district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Peddagottigallu |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Rompicherla |
District | : | Chittoor |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Arepalli Agraharam | 590131 | 1178 Hectares | 2342 | 522617 |
2 | Dasaripalem | 590132 | 1572 Hectares | 5722 | 522617 |
3 | Santhagudipadu | 590133 | 1850 Hectares | 5216 | 522617 |
4 | Vipparla | 590134 | 4008 Hectares | 12551 | 522617 |
5 | Machavaram | 590135 | 2145 Hectares | 4752 | 522617 |
6 | Nallagarlapadu | 590136 | 468 Hectares | 1905 | 522617 |
7 | Annavaram | 590137 | 2798 Hectares | 4880 | 522601 |
8 | Rompicherla | 590138 | 2811 Hectares | 10131 | 522617 |
9 | Gogulapadu | 590139 | 1728 Hectares | 3806 | 522603 |
10 | Alavala | 590140 | 966 Hectares | 2478 | 522617 |
11 | Thurumella | 590141 | 1897 Hectares | 4222 | 522617 |
12 | Annavarappadu | 590142 | 340 Hectares | 748 | 522617 |
13 | Vipparlapalle Agraharam | 590143 | 515 Hectares | 1988 | 522617 |
14 | Muthanapalli | 590144 | 842 Hectares | 1319 | 522617 |
15 | Ganugachintha | 595696 | 2232 Hectares | 2908 | 517192 |
16 | Motumallela | 595697 | 2188 Hectares | 2975 | 517292 |
17 | Peddamallela | 595698 | 3215 Hectares | 4478 | 517192 |
18 | Rompicherla | 595699 | 1745 Hectares | 8679 | 517192 |
19 | Bandakindapalle | 595700 | 605 Hectares | 1242 | 517192 |
20 | Peddagottigallu | 595701 | 842 Hectares | 1253 | 517192 |
21 | Bommaiahgari Palle | 595702 | 1819 Hectares | 4800 | 517192 |
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