Peddakothiliki is belongs to Kurnool district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Peddakothiliki |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Nandavaram |
District | : | Kurnool |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Nadikhairavadi | 593843 | 1373 Hectares | 1994 | 518345 |
2 | Ibharampuram | 593844 | 883 Hectares | 3196 | 518345 |
3 | Machapuram | 593845 | 693 Hectares | 2265 | 518343 |
4 | Halaharvi | 593846 | 3697 Hectares | 7004 | 518360 |
5 | Dharmapuram | 593847 | 166 Hectares | 462 | 518360 |
6 | Mugathi | 593848 | 1608 Hectares | 5882 | 518360 |
7 | Nandavaram | 593849 | 5590 Hectares | 11651 | 518343 |
8 | Poolachinta | 593850 | 718 Hectares | 1751 | 518343 |
9 | Gangavaram | 593851 | 1015 Hectares | 919 | 518345 |
10 | Joharapuram | 593852 | 168 Hectares | 657 | 518343 |
11 | Peddakothiliki | 593853 | 773 Hectares | 1067 | 518343 |
12 | Chinnakothiliki | 593854 | 438 Hectares | 737 | 518343 |
13 | Nagaladinne | 593855 | 542 Hectares | 6483 | 518343 |
14 | Kanakaveedu | 593856 | 3397 Hectares | 6531 | 518343 |
15 | Mittasompuram | 593857 | 627 Hectares | 1573 | 518343 |
16 | Gurujala | 593858 | 827 Hectares | 1478 | 518343 |
17 | Rayachoty | 593859 | 741 Hectares | 971 | 518343 |
18 | Chamalaguduru | 593860 | 1855 Hectares | 4963 | 518462 |
19 | Ponakaladinne | 593861 | 997 Hectares | 1631 | 518360 |
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