

Kothalur is belongs to Nalgonda district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kothalur
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Peddavoora
District : Nalgonda
State : Telangana

Nearest Kothalur Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Pinnavura 577382 716 Hectares 420 508266
2 Garnekunta 577383 607 Hectares 1287 508266
3 Velmaguda 577384 2431 Hectares 2501 508266
4 Kothalur 577385 599 Hectares 884 508266
5 Tammadapalle 577386 535 Hectares 628 508266
6 Sirasanagandla 577387 1544 Hectares 2497 508266
7 Lingampalle 577388 726 Hectares 657 508266
8 Teppalamadugu 577389 501 Hectares 744 508266
9 Chintapalle 577390 673 Hectares 1237 508266
10 Peddavoora 577391 2722 Hectares 4529 508266
11 Sangaram 577392 666 Hectares 953 508266
12 Polepalle 577393 588 Hectares 724 508266
13 Pothnur 577394 1067 Hectares 1430 508266
14 Pulicherla 577395 2342 Hectares 4148 508266
15 Vutlapalle 577396 1465 Hectares 2586 508266
16 Parvedula 577397 2625 Hectares 3835 508266
17 Thungathurthy 577398 1878 Hectares 4042 508266
18 Chalakurthy 577399 3899 Hectares 5888 508266
19 Sunkishala 577400 1945 Hectares -
20 Nandikonda 577401 4574 Hectares -
21 Jammanakota 577402 931 Hectares 370 508266
22 Nellikal 577403 2862 Hectares 5369 508266
23 Chintalapalem 577404 3953 Hectares 5219 508266
24 Thimmaipalem 577405 1255 Hectares 1149 508266
25 Thuniki Nuthula 577406 2772 Hectares 975 508266

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